Wednesday, 11 April 2012

World's Rarest Animals

1.Arabian Oryx: Bounding Back

In addition to the newly critically endangered species, the new Red List boasts a few bright spots. The future looks bright, for example, for the Arabian oryx, which not long ago nearly vanished forever.

2.Harlequin Toad

Nineteen new frogs, toads, and salamanders were added to the Red List this year, and eight are said to be critically endangered—including  harlequin toad. I suggest you to read great article on harlequin toad on, where Emma Websdale explained about this frog.

3.Bog Turtle

This tiny, critically endangered bog turtle, Clemmys muhlenbergi, is one of the world’s smallest, squeezing into a 3- to 4.5-inch (7.9- to 11.4-centimeter) shell. But the eastern-U.S. reptile represents a big conservation problem. Wetland development and drainage have drastically reduced suitable habitat for this and many other species around the globe.

4. Dwarf Salamander

The Chuj climbing salamander, a species of dwarf salamander from Guatemala  is another addition to the critically endangered category of the 2011 Red List.

5. Siau Island Tarsier

Threatened by a volcano and bush-meat hunters, the Siau Island tarsier is among animal species newly designated critically endangered in the 2011 update of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)’s Red List of Threatened Species, released last week.

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